It's been almost a month since my last post, and so much has happened since then. I started back at school which means that Charlie is at day care every week day. I'm pumping three times a day (four if you count the one I do in the morning on the side from which Charlie doesn't eat). So how's it going?? I'll break it down for you:
School - I'm teaching third grade again, which is good because I'm familiar with the material. I do however have 24 students, which is way more than I've had in the past (I usually have 19 or 20). My class consists of one student with autism, two with ADHD, two who regularly see the counselor, eight that are well-below grade level in language arts and two below in math. They are what I lovingly call "needy." That being said, I'm really enjoying being back at work. I love my school and my colleagues and while I'd rather be home with Charlie, this isn't so bad. I am, however, missing some brain cells. A few times a week I find myself making silly mistakes and it's so annoying! I'm hoping my brain comes back soon.
Day Care - Charlie is doing well at school too. In the past three weeks, he's only been crying once or twice when I've come to pick him up. Usually he's smiling at his friends or teachers and seems well cared for. He did get his first cold which turned into an ear infection - boo! But I guess it's now or in pre-school/kindergarten. The only tiny problem we've had is that Charlie sometimes comes home wearing someone else's clothes. I'm apparently the only mom who actually labels all her child's clothing. It's a little frustrating, but I don't mind too much. Charlie is also eating really well at school. We've tried lots of new foods over the past month. He's now had: peaches, mango, apples, avocado, plums, bananas, oatmeal, brown rice, yogurt, butternut squash, zucchini, carrots, green beans, peas, and sweet potatoes. I've also started giving him some finger foods to try including hard-cooked egg yolk, sweet potato cubes, pancakes, and waffles. So far, he loves everything!
Pumping - I was very nervous for this at first. My biggest concern was that my supply wouldn't hold out, and while it's still early, I'm happy to say this hasn't been an issue at all. My other concern was that I wouldn't find time. I'm pumping at 5:30 AM on the left side, then at 8, 11:30 and 3 on both sides. I get anywhere from 18-22 ounces a day, and Charlie takes about 17 so we're doing well. I'm pumping in the closet in my classroom. It's very glamorous! ;)
So, that's how our month has gone... and as a reward for your patience in reading all that... Here's Charlie!
PEAS!!! |
Hard to believe he'll be wearing a shirt this size someday... |
Six month photo shoot |
At a photo shoot for a toy company - fun! |
Charlie loves feeding himself; this time it was organic waffles - yum! |
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