Friday, March 4, 2011

A Schedule??

I realized today that Charlie has a bit of a routine going. It's nothing to set your clock by or anything, but I feel like I'm starting to understand him a lot more as he gets older (he'll be a whole month tomorrow!) He usually wakes up in the morning between 5 and 6. After a feeding, we nap together until 7 or 8 and then start our day. He'll eat again, we'll play for a bit, then he'll go down for his first long nap of the day. We repeat this pattern a few times until 5 or so. This is when he gets his last "happy baby" feeding. All bets are off after 6 PM. :)  Many people refer to this time as "the witching hour" even though it lasts more than one hour. He is really good about napping in his bouncy seat or pack and play early in the day, but in the evening, Mommy's lap is the only place to be. His comfort/sucking reflex is off the charts during this time too, and I will let him suck on my finger for a little while to calm himself (sorry Mom!) Everything I've read said this is normal and important, so I'm doing it just a little. Oh, and for all my internal debating about the pacifier - I finally bought one, and he doesn't like it!

I do realize that typing this post means Charles will probably completely change his "routine" to something involving a total of 10 minutes of sleep. ;)

Breakfast - two organic eggs with American cheese and ketchup on whole grain toast; OJ; decaf tea with honey
Snack - organic apple
Lunch - vegetarian burrito from Q'doba (rice, black beans, guacamole, mixed veggies)
Dinner - vegetable pad thai
Dessert - two chocolate chip cookies and organic, chocolate soymilk (which I never got to eat yesterday for dessert, so scratch that off the list!)

1 comment:

Jennylou's Projects said...

It's so neat to see them settle into their own routine. When you have a brand new baby, you think those people telling you the baby will make his/her own routine are crazy, but they really do. He will change a bit as he grows, but my guess is it will be gradual changes that you'll hardly notice them as they're happening. :)

And yes, the witching hourS. They're brutal, but those too get better. The peak is at 6-7 weeks and then it mellows out some more, all typically of course, since all babies like to buck the trend from time to time. ;)