Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Growth Spurt?

For the past two days Charles is wanting to eat every 1-2 hours. Could this be a growth spurt? I totally understand what it's like for him to be constantly hungry - I feel the same way! Here's what one popular breastfeeding site has to say about it:

During a growth spurt, breastfed babies nurse more often than usual (sometimes as often as every hour) and often act fussier than usual.

The increase in baby's milk intake during growth spurts is temporary. In exclusively breastfed babies, milk intake increases quickly during the first few weeks of life, then stays about the same between one and six months. As solids are gradually introduced after six months, baby's milk intake will gradually decrease.

Physical growth is not the only reason that babies may have a temporary need for increased nursing. Babies often exhibit the same type of behavior (increased nursing with or without increased fussiness) when they are working on developmental advances such as rolling over, crawling, walking or talking. Mom's milk is for growing the brain as well as the body!

Common times for growth spurts are during the first few days at home and around 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months (more or less). Babies don't read calendars, however, so your baby may do things differently.

Growth spurts don't stop after the first year - most moms notice growth spurts every few months during the toddler years and periodically thereafter on through the teenage years.

Growth spurts usually last 2-3 days, but sometimes last a week or so.

Follow your child's lead. Baby will automatically get more milk by nursing more frequently, and your milk supply will increase due to the increased nursing. It is not necessary (or advised) to supplement your baby with formula or expressed milk during a growth spurt. Supplementing (and/or scheduling feeds) interferes with the natural supply and demand of milk production and will prevent your body from getting the message to make more milk during the growth spurt.

Some nursing moms feel more hungry or thirsty when baby is going through a growth spurt. Listen to your body -- you may need to eat or drink more during the time that baby is nursing more often.
I weighed myself this morning and I'm one pound less than I was BC (before Charlie). Apparently this whole "nursing-helps-you-lose-the-baby-weight" thing actually works!

Breakfast - two organic eggs with a slice of American cheese and ketchup on whole grain toast; OJ
Snack - organic baby carrots and natural chipotle ranch dip
Lunch - organic vegetable soup; tortilla chips and low fat cheese
Dinner - garden salad; cheese pizza


Patricia said...

Im a February mommy myself (Valentine's Day baby boy). I'm nursing myself and the only reason why I think the BF-to-lose weight works is because there is never any time to eat! :) I'm 4lbs away fro my pre-preg weight. Congrats on a beautiful boy!

Vanessa said...

Congrats to you too! I agree, it's amazing we find time to eat and use the bathroom! ;)