Friday, September 10, 2010

Road Trip Part II

We are off to MA again this weekend. The Patriots home-opener is on Sunday and we're going to the game! I'm so excited to see crazy Bill Belichick again. Most importantly, Baby A needs to get some Pats gear. :)

Update on Miss Maggie: The old broad is hanging in there! Her heart does not seem to be failing, unlike what they previously thought. She might have a little fluid in her lungs so she's on some meds for that and an antibiotic to prevent pneumonia. She's such a trooper! And how can you resist that face??

Maggie says, "That Tom Brady is dreamy..."

Breakfast - plain bagel with light veggie cream cheese; OJ
Snack - Greek pomegranate yogurt
Lunch - veggie spring roll; mixed veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli, bok choi) with brown rice
Snack - garlic hummus and pita chips; organic apple
Dinner - half a veggie burrito

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