Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's my lucky day!

Let me set the scene for you... this morning John left for work and I was all snuggly in bed. I got up and got ready, took the dogs out, and went to the key rack to grab my keys. Hmmm... where are they? Let me check the table. And there I see John's keys. Which of course means my keys are currently on their way with him into NYC. Grrr! I panic, then calm down and call my friend Nicole who lives in town. She usually gets to school about 10 minutes before me though, so I'm worried that she's going to be gone already. But lucky moment #1 - she had to go to the post office and is still in town! Yay - she picks me up and we're on our way. Then I realize I'm supposed to get my hair cut and colored after school just in time for the baby shower on Saturday. Luckily, Nicole is also babysitting her cousins in town after school and can drop me off at the salon. But, oh no! The salon calls and says that Lisa has pink eye and has to cancel. But wait! Lucky moment #2 - there's another girl who can take me fifteen minutes later. I'll take it! Nicole drops me off at the salon and lucky moment #3 - this girl is soooo good! I love the color and cut even more than my usual girl. Hooray! Now I just have to hang around town for an hour until John can come get me. But wait! Lucky moment #4 - my neighbor Barat is getting his hair cut behind me and finishes up just as I do. Barat can drive me home now! Phew.... what could have been a disastrous day turned out just great. I should go buy a lottery ticket!

Breakfast - natural peanut butter on whole wheat toast; OJ
Snack - two chocolate chip cookies
Lunch - mixed greens with balsamic vinaigrette; broccoli, snap peas, and zucchini with basmati rice; apple
Snack - french onion Sun Chips; Kashi granola bar
Dinner - two slices of cheese pizza; side of kidney beans

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