Thursday, August 26, 2010

Prenatal Yoga

Tonight was my first prenatal yoga class. We all know yoga is supposed to be a time to relax and find your center. And that's how it usually is for me... except for tonight. First, when I came home, I discovered that our dog Maggie had the biggest accident ever. Seriously, I have no idea how such a little dog can pee that much! So I had to clean up that mess. Then I had to clean the house a bit since friends were coming over tonight to watch Jersey Shore. Finally, I realized that my class was starting very soon so I had to scramble to get changed... and this is where my problems really started. Apparently all of my yoga pants were in the laundry basket and the last pair was too long. But they would have to do... especially since I discovered all my sports bars were either too small or dirty. Grrrr! Now I'm late, but manage to get myself out the door. Halfway down the street, I realize my cell phone is at home, and it holds the address for the studio. So now it's back home where I proceed to run up and down the stairs searching for the phone. I finally find it behind the couch (?!?!?) and head out again. I eventually get to my destination according to GPS, but I cannot find the building. I finally arrive, 20 MINUTES LATE, and just join the class. At this point, I needed all the zen I could get. All in all, the studio is good, the class was good, and I got at least 40 minutes of practice. And I know where this place is for next time. And I going to buy some new bras. :) Phew...

So I just googled "prenatal yoga" and decided no one really wants to see those pictures! Instead, here's what I looked like trying to get ready today. Imagine when there's a baby in the mix!
At least this woman has her cell phone. :)

Breakfast - organic honey nut Os with organic low fat milk
Snack - Greek peach yogurt
Lunch - cheese ravioli in a red pepper alfredo sauce; red delicious apple
Snack - Five Guys cajun fries and lemonade (Ugh! This is what happens when you're STARVING and drive by Five Guys.)
Dinner - garden salad; slice of cheese pizza; Ghirardelli dark mint chocolate square

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