Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pig Roast

JA and I are attending a housewarming party today for friends of ours that used to live in Mo-town but have moved "to the country." This is funny if you know where we live. I'm excited to see them and their new home (and maybe swim in the pool!) but we don't plan on sharing our news today. I want to (1) make this day about them and their accomplishment and (2) tell some of our closer friends first.

Our anniversary dinner last night was delish! I had a salad, pasta dish, and a yummy chocolate peanut butter dessert. Today's party is a pig roast, so I think I'll be sticking to side dishes. :)

Oink oink... today's pig roast should erase my meat cravings.

Breakfast - eggs on whole grain toast
Snack - banana
Lunch - hummus and veggies (tomato, cucumber, red onion, mixed greens) on whole grain; potato chips
Snack - strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry smoothie

I also went to my first prenatal yoga class this morning. I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I'm glad that the instructor is conservative and knowledgeable. On the other, I'm convinced a great-grandmother could have done the class. I haven't tried Alice's Pilates videos yet... hopefully they will be better.

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