Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thinking Ahead

Sometimes I find myself thinking ahead to when Charlie is here... and not just when he arrives next month, but when he is grown (like teenage years). I'm not sure why, but I always imagine him doing his homework, having sleepovers, or getting ready for a date in his bathroom. Weird, right? Of course, when this happens, I start to tear up because I am an emotional pregnant lady. :)  Another thing I'm trying to do is think about how I'll want his room to evolve. I'm not trying to rush things, but when I purchase pieces for his room, I try to think, "Will he be able to use this for a while or it is too babyish?" So when I realized I had yet to purchase a hamper for all those dirty clothes we'll soon be washing, I decided to think long-term. At HomeGoods, I came across these two contenders:

Both are wicker and sturdy enough, especially since my plan is to place a laundry bag inside that I can just remove and bring down to wash. After a quick contemplation, I went with the brown for a couple of reasons: 1. it's larger, and his clothes won't be so little forever, and 2. I think it has a more "grown-up" look to it. I'm not saying Charlie has to have this hamper for life. In fact, if he's anything like most boys I know, this hamper will somehow get destroyed when he uses it as a springboard in some obstacle course he builds one day. I'm OK with that... it was only $29 and I used a merchandise credit. ;)

In other fabulous nursery-related news, the fabrics are done!! It will be a while before I can post pics because they need to get shipped from MA, but I'm so excited! Special thanks to Charlie's Madrinha for coordinating this for us. I think my next nursery pictures post will be the "big reveal." My goal is to have it done before our little one arrives... whenever that may be...

Breakfast - egg quiche with apples and cheddar cheese; cranberry/pomegranate juice
Snack - Greek raspberry yogurt; three Hershey kisses (Charlie has clearly inherited JA's sweet tooth) :)
Lunch - garden salad with organic romaine, spinach, grape tomatoes, carrots, celery, and peas with half a soy "chicken" patty and light honey mustard dressing; five water crackers with cheese (gouda and gruyere); homemade mixed berry cobbler
Snack - decaf french vanilla coffee
Dinner - veggie burger on whole grain toast with organic ketchup, mustard, bbq sauce, and one slice of American cheese; baked fries

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