Monday, January 31, 2011

39 week appointment

Today I met with Dr. G. for my appointment and all seems to continue to go well. BP was great, no weight gain, and the heartbeat sounded good. We did have to start talking about what happens if I don't go into labor naturally. Boo! I have another appointment next Monday and he'll check to see if I've made any progress toward dilation or effacement. If not, then at 41 weeks we start scheduling some fetal testing to check on Charles and make sure everything is OK. One of the tests is called a non-stress test (NST) where they strap belts to my belly and monitor the baby's heartbeat for 20-30 minutes. They'd also do an ultrasound to check my fluid levels. My sincere hope is that Charlie will arrive before we have to intervene. As I was getting massaged today I tried to put myself into a state of deep relaxation and visualize my cervix opening. This proved to be a bit difficult because I don't really know what my cervix looks like. I ended up falling asleep instead. ;)

Breakfast - two organic eggs on whole grain toast with natural ketchup; light, chocolate soymilk
Snack - two M&M cookies
Lunch - Kashi veggie enchilada and rice; grapes, pineapple, and peaches; 100-calorie, fat free pudding; bite of peppermint bark
Snack - organic apple
Dinner - soy "chicken" patty on a whole wheat tortilla with light spicy mayo; baked fries
Dessert - grapes, pineapple, and peaches

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